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旧 2012-12-12, 17:39   #1 (permalink)
注册日期: 2012-12-12
帖子: 1
默认 Thomas Sabo World Premiere at The Shard

Last night Thomas Sabo hosted an exclusive party at 'The View From The Shard' to celebrate the launch of his Sterling Silver Collection for SS13 and to formally unveil the new brand ambassadors British model Poppy Delevingne and violinist David Garrett.

The event, held 244 metres above London, on the 69th floor of the new iconic London landmark and the tallest building in Western Europe designed by architect Renzo Piano was nothing short of spectacular. The viewing gallery, which will not be opened officially to the public until February next year, was fitted out to custom specification to guests of Thomas Sabo UK including Poppy Delevingne, David Garrett, F1 driver Nico Rosberg, Jade Jagger, The Sugababes - Keisha, Mutya & Siobhan, Ellie Goulding, Shinghai Shoniwa, Leandro Penna, Laura Jackson, Goldirocks, Lisa Greenwood, Billie JD Porter, Elaine Cassidy, Nat Weller, Sascha Bailey, Brix Smith Start, Stephen Lord as well as International and UK press, VIPs and friends.

Guests were not only treated to the sparkling panoramic view of London by night but were also entertained by DJ sets from Stephane Pompougnac, James Long, Maarten Ven Der Horst and Cozette McCreery of Sibling who followed an intimate live performance from David Garrett.

The Thomas Sabo UK Sale SS13 collection will launch in February 2013 and features a new range called 'Golden Silver' that features yellow gold and rose gold plated 925 sterling silver for the first time.

Thomas Sabo Sale launched their 'Golden Silver' collection for spring/summer '13 at an exclusive event held at The Shard last night with a panoramic view across London from the 69th floor.

Poppy Delevingne and David Garrett (pictured above) joined Thomas Sabo as the new brand ambassadors and feature in the campaign for the new tri-colour collection presenting yellow gold and rose gold plated 925 sterling silver for the first time which will be launching in February 2013.

Other guests included Jade Jagger, Keisha, Mutya and Siobhan, Ellie Goulding, Shinghai Shoniwa with DJ sets from James Long, Maarten Van Der Horst and Stephanie Pompougnac.

Thomas Sabo Christmas launched their 'Golden Silver' collection for spring/summer '13 at an exclusive event held at The Shard last night with a panoramic view across London from the 69th floor.

Reinforcements for the THOMAS SABO Ice Tigers: since the end of November 2012, the DEL (German Ice Hockey League) team has been supported by the "THOMAS SABO Ice Crew" at all home games. The role models for this crew are the so-called "Ice Girls" in the North American National Hockey League (NHL), who perform in the third breaks and game interruptions. Equipped with snow shovels, flags and pompons, the THOMAS SABO Ice Crew dashes onto the ice before the game and during the breaks, thrilling the crowds with little fan choreographies and promotional events. The THOMAS SABO Ice Crew will be wowing the crowds at the Arena with their action-packed performances at all Thomas Sabo Christmas Charms Ice Tigers home games and at the first DEL 'Winter Game' on January 5, 2013.
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