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#1 (permalink) |
注册日期: 2012-02-07
帖子: 281
Error Code Error String Description
0 ERR_SUCCESS Success -1 ERR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN Server shutdown -2 ERR_MEMORY Memory allocation error -3 ERR_NETWORK Network kernel error -4 ERR_SOCKET_CREATE Cannot create socket -5 ERR_TIMEOUT Timeout error -6 ERR_LOCKED Already locked -7 ERR_SOCKET_BIND Socket bind error -8 ERR_CONF_PATH Mail root path not found -9 ERR_USERS_FILE_NOT_FOUND Users table file not found -10 ERR_FILE_CREATE Unable to create file -11 ERR_DUMMY -12 ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND User not found -13 ERR_USER_EXIST User already exist -14 ERR_WRITE_USERS_FILE Error writing users file -15 ERR_NO_USER_PRFILE User profile file not found -16 ERR_FILE_DELETE Unable to remove file -17 ERR_DIR_CREATE Unable to create directory -18 ERR_DIR_DELETE Unable to remove directory -19 ERR_FILE_OPEN Unable to open file -20 ERR_INVALID_FILE Invalid file structure -21 ERR_FILE_WRITE Unable to write file -22 ERR_MSG_NOT_IN_RANGE Message out of range -23 ERR_MSG_DELETED Message deleted -24 ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD Invalid password -25 ERR_ALIAS_FILE_NOT_FOUND Users alias file not found -26 ERR_ALIAS_EXIST Alias already exist -27 ERR_WRITE_ALIAS_FILE Error writing alias file -28 ERR_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND Alias not found -29 ERR_SVR_PRFILE_NOT_LOCKED Server profile not locked -30 ERR_GET_PEER_INFO Error getting peer address info -31 ERR_SMTP_PATH_PARSE_ERROR Error parsing SMTP command line -32 ERR_BAD_RETURN_PATH Bad return path syntax -33 ERR_BAD_EMAIL_ADDR Bad email address -34 ERR_RELAY_NOT_ALLOWED Relay not allowed -35 ERR_BAD_FORWARD_PATH Bad forward path syntax -36 ERR_GET_SOCK_INFO Error getting sock address info -37 ERR_GET_SOCK_HOST Error getting sock host name -38 ERR_NO_DOMAIN Unable to know server domain -39 ERR_USER_NOT_LOCAL User not local -40 ERR_BAD_SERVER_ADDR Invalid server address -41 ERR_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE Bad server response -42 ERR_INVALID_POP3_RESPONSE Invalid POP3 response -43 ERR_LINKS_FILE_NOT_FOUND POP3 links file not found -44 ERR_LINK_EXIST POP3 link already exist -45 ERR_WRITE_LINKS_FILE Error writing POP3 links file -46 ERR_LINK_NOT_FOUND POP3 link not found -47 ERR_SMTPGW_FILE_NOT_FOUND SMTP gateway file not found -48 ERR_GATEWAY_ALREADY_EXIST SMTP gateway already exist -49 ERR_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND SMTP gateway not found -50 ERR_USER_NOT_MAILINGLIST User is not a mailing list -51 ERR_NO_USER_MLTABLE_FILE Mailing list users table file not found -52 ERR_MLUSER_ALREADY_EXIST Mailing list user already exist -53 ERR_MLUSER_NOT_FOUND Mailing list user not found -54 ERR_SPOOL_FILE_NOT_FOUND Spool file not found -55 ERR_INVALID_SPOOL_FILE Invalid spool file -56 ERR_SPOOL_FILE_EXPIRED Spool file has reached max retry ops -57 ERR_SMTPRELAY_FILE_NOT_FOUND SMTP relay file not found -58 ERR_DOMAINS_FILE_NOT_FOUND POP3 domains file not found -59 ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_HANDLED POP3 domain not handled -60 ERR_BAD_SMTP_RESPONSE Bad SMTP response -61 ERR_CFG_VAR_NOT_FOUND Config variabile not found -62 ERR_BAD_DNS_RESPONSE Bad DNS response -63 ERR_SMTPGW_NOT_FOUND SMTP gateway not found -64 ERR_INCOMPLETE_CONFIG Incomplete server configuration file -65 ERR_MAIL_ERROR_LOOP Mail error loop detected -66 ERR_EXTALIAS_FILE_NOT_FOUND External-Alias file not found -67 ERR_EXTALIAS_EXIST External alias already exist -68 ERR_WRITE_EXTALIAS_FILE Error writing External-Alias file -69 ERR_EXTALIAS_NOT_FOUND External alias not found -70 ERR_NO_USER_DEFAULT_PRFILE Unable to open default user profile -71 ERR_FINGER_QUERY_FORMAT Error in FINGER query -72 ERR_LOCKED_RESOURCE Resource already locked -73 ERR_NO_PREDEFINED_MX No predefined mail exchanger -74 ERR_NO_MORE_MXRECORDS No more MX records -75 ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_FORMAT Invalid message format -76 ERR_SMTP_BAD_MAIL_FROM [MAIL FROM:] not permitted by remote SMTP server -77 ERR_SMTP_BAD_RCPT_TO [RCPT TO:] not permitted by remote SMTP server -78 ERR_SMTP_BAD_DATA [DATA] not permitted by remote SMTP server -79 ERR_INVALID_MXRECS_STRING Invalid MX records string format -80 ERR_SETSOCKOPT Error in function -81 ERR_CREATEEVENT Error in function -82 ERR_CREATESEMAPHORE Error in function -83 ERR_CLOSEHANDLE Error in function -84 ERR_RELEASESEMAPHORE Error in function -85 ERR_BEGINTHREADEX Error in function -86 ERR_CREATEFILEMAPPING Error in function -87 ERR_MAPVIEWOFFILE Error in function -88 ERR_UNMAPVIEWOFFILE Error in function -89 ERR_SEMGET Error in function -90 ERR_SEMCTL Error in function -91 ERR_SEMOP Error in function -92 ERR_FORK Error in function -93 ERR_SHMGET Error in function -94 ERR_SHMCTL Error in function -95 ERR_SHMAT Error in function -96 ERR_SHMDT Error in function -97 ERR_OPENDIR Error in function -98 ERR_STAT Error in function -99 ERR_SMTP_BAD_CMD_SEQUENCE Bad SMTP command sequence -100 ERR_NO_ROOT_DOMAIN_VAR RootDomain config var not found -101 ERR_NS_NOT_FOUND Name Server for domain not found -102 ERR_NO_DEFINED_MXS_FOR_DOMAIN No MX records defined for domain -103 ERR_BAD_CTRL_COMMAND Bad CTRL command syntax -104 ERR_DOMAIN_ALREADY_HANDLED Domain already exist -105 ERR_BAD_CTRL_LOGIN Bad controller login -106 ERR_CTRL_ACCOUNTS_FILE_NOT_FOUND Controller accounts file not found -107 ERR_SPAMMER_IP Server registered spammer IP -108 ERR_TRUNCATED_DGRAM_DNS_RESPONSE Truncated UDP DNS response -109 ERR_NO_DGRAM_DNS_RESPONSE Unable to get UDP DNS response -110 ERR_EMPTY_DNS_RESPONSE Empty DNS response -111 ERR_BAD_SMARTDNSHOST_SYNTAX Bad SmartDNSHost config syntax -112 ERR_MAILBOX_SIZE User maximum mailbox size reached -113 ERR_DYNDNS_CONFIG Bad \DynDnsSetup\ config syntax -114 ERR_PROCESS_EXECUTE Error executing external process -115 ERR_BAD_MAILPROC_CMD_SYNTAX Bad mailproc.tab command syntax -116 ERR_NO_MAILPROC_FILE User mail processing file not present -117 ERR_DNS_RECURSION_NOT_AVAILABLE DNS recursion not available -118 ERR_POP3_EXTERNAL_LINK_DISABLED External POP3 link disabled -119 ERR_BAD_DOMAIN_PROC_CMD_SYNTAX Error in custom domain processing file syntax -120 ERR_NOT_A_CUSTOM_DOMAIN Not a custom domain -121 ERR_NO_MORE_TOKENS No more tokens -122 ERR_SELECT Error in function -123 ERR_REGISTER_EVENT_SOURCE Error in function -124 ERR_NOMORESEMS No more semaphores available -125 ERR_INVALID_SEMAPHORE Invalid semaphore -126 ERR_SHMEM_ALREADY_EXIST Shared memory already exist -127 ERR_SHMEM_NOT_EXIST Shared memory not exist -128 ERR_SEM_NOT_EXIST Semaphore not exist -129 ERR_SERVER_BUSY Server too busy -130 ERR_IP_NOT_ALLOWED Server does not like Your IP -131 ERR_FILE_EOF End of file reached -132 ERR_BAD_TAG_ADDRESS Bad tag ( From: -133 ERR_MAILFROM_UNKNOWN Unable to extract \MAIL FROM: <>\ address -134 ERR_FILTERED_MESSAGE Message rejected by server filters -135 ERR_NO_DOMAIN_FILTER Domain filter not defined -136 ERR_POP3_RETR_BROKEN POP3 RETR operation broken in data retrieval -137 ERR_CCLN_INVALID_RESPONSE Invalid controller response -138 ERR_CCLN_ERROR_RESPONSE Controller response error -139 ERR_INCOMPLETE_PROCESSING Custom domain processing incomplete -140 ERR_NO_EXTERNAL_AUTH_DEFINED No external auth defined for requested username@domain -141 ERR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_FAILURE External authentication error -142 ERR_MD5_AUTH_FAILED MD5 authentication failed -143 ERR_NO_SMTP_AUTH_CONFIG SMTP authentication config not found -144 ERR_UNKNOWN_SMTP_AUTH Unknown SMTP authentication mode -145 ERR_BAD_SMTP_AUTH_CONFIG Bad SMTP authentication config -146 ERR_BAD_EXTRNPRG_EXITCODE Bad external program exit code -147 ERR_BAD_SMTP_CMD_SYNTAX Bad SMTP command syntax -148 ERR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILED SMTP client authentication failed -149 ERR_BAD_SMTP_EXTAUTH_RESPONSE_FILE Bad external SMTP auth response file syntax -150 ERR_SMTP_USE_FORBIDDEN Server use is forbidden -151 ERR_SPAM_ADDRESS Server registered spammer domain -152 ERR_SOCK_NOMORE_DATA End of socket stream data -153 ERR_BAD_TAB_INDEX_FIELD Bad TAB field index -154 ERR_FILE_READ Error reading file -155 ERR_BAD_INDEX_FILE Bad index file format -156 ERR_INDEX_HASH_NOT_FOUND Record hash not found in index -157 ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND Record not found in TAB file -158 ERR_HEAP_ALLOC Heap block alloc error -159 ERR_HEAP_FREE Heap block free error -160 ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_LOCKED Trying to unlock an unlocked resource -161 ERR_LOCK_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Resource lock entry not found -162 ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG Stream line too long -163 ERR_MAIL_LOOP_DETECTED Mail loop detected -164 ERR_FILE_MOVE Unable to move file -165 ERR_INVALID_MAILDIR_SUBPATH Error invalid Maildir sub path -166 ERR_SMTP_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS Too many SMTP recipients -167 ERR_DNS_CACHE_FILE_FMT Error in DNS cache file format -168 ERR_DNS_CACHE_FILE_EXPIRED DNS cache file expired -169 ERR_MMAP Error in function -170 ERR_NOT_LOCKED Not locked -171 ERR_SMTPFWD_FILE_NOT_FOUND SMTP forward gateway file not found -172 ERR_SMTPFWD_NOT_FOUND SMTP forward gateway not found -173 ERR_USER_BREAK Operation interrupted -174 ERR_SET_THREAD_PRIORITY Error setting thread priority -175 ERR_NULL_SENDER Empty message sender -176 ERR_RCPTTO_UNKNOWN Mail tag \To:\ missing -177 ERR_LOADMODULE Error moading dynamic module -178 ERR_LOADMODULESYMBOL Error moading dynamic module symbol -179 ERR_NOMORE_TLSKEYS No more TLS keys are available -180 ERR_INVALID_TLSKEY Invalid TLS key -181 ERR_ERRORINIT_FAILED Error initialization failed -182 ERR_SENDFILE Error in function -183 ERR_MUTEXINIT Error in function -184 ERR_CONDINIT Error in function -185 ERR_THREADCREATE Error in function -186 ERR_CREATEMUTEX Error in function -187 ERR_NO_LOCAL_SPOOL_FILES Local spool empty -188 ERR_NO_HANDLED_DOMAIN Unable to retrieve an handled domain from peer IP -189 ERR_INVALID_MAIL_DOMAIN Remote domain has no DNS/MX entries -190 ERR_BAD_CMDSTR_CHARS Bad characters in command line -191 ERR_FETCHMSG_UNDELIVERED POP3 fetched message failed delivery -192 ERR_USER_VAR_NOT_FOUND User configuration variable not found -193 ERR_NO_POP3_IP Invalid or not available POP3 connection IP -194 ERR_NO_MESSAGE_FILE Message file not existent -195 ERR_GET_DISK_SPACE_INFO Error getting disk space info -196 ERR_GET_MEMORY_INFO Error getting memory info -197 ERR_LOW_DISK_SPACE System low in disk space -198 ERR_LOW_VM_SPACE System low in virtual memory -199 ERR_USER_DISABLED Account disabled -200 ERR_BAD_DNS_NAME_RECORD Bad format for DNS name record -201 ERR_MESSAGE_SIZE Message exceeds fixed maximum message size -202 ERR_SMTPSRV_MSG_SIZE Message too big for the remote SMTP server -203 ERR_MAPS_CONTAINED The peer IP is mapped -204 ERR_ADOMAIN_FILE_NOT_FOUND Domain aliases file not found -205 ERR_ADOMAIN_EXIST Domain alias already exist -206 ERR_ADOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Domain alias not found -207 ERR_NOT_A_CMD_ALIAS Cmd alias not found -208 ERR_GETSOCKOPT Error in function -209 ERR_NO_HDR_FETCH_TAGS No fetch headers tags string supplied -210 ERR_SET_FILE_TIME Error setting file times -211 ERR_LISTDIR_NOT_FOUND Listing directory not found -212 ERR_DUPLICATE_HANDLE Error in function -213 ERR_EMPTY_LOG Log file is empty -214 ERR_BAD_RELATIVE_PATH Error in relative path syntax -215 ERR_DNS_NXDOMAIN DNS name not exist -216 ERR_BAD_RFCNAME Name does not respect RFC822 -217 ERR_CONNECT Error connecting to remote address -218 ERR_MESSAGE_DELETED Message marked for deletion -219 ERR_PIPE Pipe creation error -220 ERR_WAITPID Error in function -221 ERR_MUNMAP Error in function -222 ERR_INVALID_MMAP_OFFSET Invalid memory map offset -223 ERR_UNMAPFILEVIEW File view unmap failed -224 ERR_INVALID_IMAP_LINE Invalid IMAP syntax -225 ERR_IMAP_RESP_NO IMAP response NO -226 ERR_IMAP_RESP_BAD IMAP response BAD -227 ERR_IMAP_RESP_BYE IMAP response BYE -228 ERR_IMAP_UNKNOWN_AUTH Unknown IMAP authentication method -229 ERR_DNS_IS_CNAME CNAME DNS record detected -230 ERR_NO_MESSAGE_AUTH Message authentication not found -231 ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter -232 ERR_ALREADY_EXIST Already exist -233 ERR_SSLCTX_CREATE Error creating SSL context -234 ERR_SSL_CREATE Error creating SSL session -235 ERR_SSL_CONNECT Error establishing SSL connection (connect) -236 ERR_SSL_SETCERT Error setting the SSL certificate file -237 ERR_SSL_SETKEY Error setting the SSL key file -238 ERR_SSL_READ SSL read error -239 ERR_SSL_WRITE SSL write error -240 ERR_SSL_CERT_VALIDATE SSL certificate validation failed -241 ERR_SSL_NOCERT SSL certificate missing -242 ERR_NO_REMOTE_SSL Remote server does not support TLS -243 ERR_SSL_ALREADY_ACTIVE TLS link already active -244 ERR_SSL_CHECKKEY SSL private key check failed -245 ERR_SSL_VERPATHS SSL verify-paths load failed -246 ERR_TLS_MODE_REQUIRED TLS required for this session -247 ERR_NOT_FOUND Not found -248 ERR_NOREMOTE_POP3_UIDL Remote POP3 server does not support UIDL -249 ERR_CORRUPTED Input data corrupted -250 ERR_SSL_DISABLED TLS service disabled -251 ERR_SSL_ACCEPT Error establishing SSL connection (accept) -252 ERR_BAD_SEQUENCE Wrong sequence of commands -253 ERR_EMPTY_ADDRESS Empty email address |
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