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旧 2010-11-25, 10:56   #1 (permalink)
注册日期: 2010-11-25
帖子: 1
默认 How to convert video to iPod with ipod video converter?

How to convert video to iPod with ipod video converter?

How to convert video to iPod with ipod video converter?

How to convert video files by using such a Video iPod Converter? This guide will tell you how to complete the conversion - convert video to iPod. Just use iJoysoft iPod Video Converter, download and install it, now.

Step 1: Add file to the iPod Video Converter.

Click "Add File" button or "File > Add File" to load files to the iPod Converter.

Step 2: Choose output format before converting video to ipod.

Select the file, click "Profile" drop-down button to pick out the formats you want, then click "Browse" button to set destination folder


1.Click "Snapshot" button on main interface to take a snapshot when playing the video.
2.You can set many customized settings according to your needs.

Step 3: convert video to iPod.

After choosing the format, you just need to click "Convert" button on the toolbar to complete the conversion - convert video to iPod.

The conversion - convert video to iPod will be finished quickly.
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ipod video converter


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